Susan Wheeler
Dan and Susan Wheeler had the opportunity to purchase Mossy Creek Pottery in March of 2001. Dan was the resident potter and Susan the resident fused glass artist. They were privileged to own this wonderful business for 15 years. They are very thankful to be able to pass it on to Don and Melanie Richardson to “keep the dream alive”.
On Glass…
My fascination with glass began at age 12 in a glass blowers' shop in Disneyland. Becoming a glass artist began with a small, glass gift from my grandparents. Years later, when my children were nearing adulthood, I took a class in stained glass. It fueled a desire to create, and I jumped right into the world of glass and all its beauty. I eventually opened a small shop and taught others, as well as designing windows for customers’ homes. As time went by, I had the opportunity to learn about another technique called glass fusing. This requires placing a glass piece in a kiln and heating it to 1500° F, allowing it to soften just enough to blend pieces and fuse them together. Now looking back, I was hooked! So, I turned in my pliers and soldering iron and bought a kiln. For the past 15 years, along with many successes and failures, I have enjoyed creating work with fused glass. The pieces I make are a beautiful blend of shape, color and texture.