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Ha Austin

Science and Art

I had put off using the artistic side of my brain and pursued a path in science and healthcare.  While teaching at a community college, I wandered into a ceramic classroom.  I was immediately overtaken by the endless possibilities and freedom to explore and express my artistic side.  Ever since that cataclysmic day, I have evolved from creating pots from earthenware to functional stoneware to decorative porcelain.  Since relocating to Oregon in June of 2009, I have directed my focus on crystalline glazes in a high-fire electric kiln and Sgraffito technique in high-fire gas and Soda kilns.

My forms are created on and off the potter’s wheel using porcelain clay.  My glazes are all hand-mixed.  The intricate and meticulous nature that is involved in measuring and mixing my crystalline glazes as well as the mystery surrounding the determination of the appropriate firing schedule, appeals to my science-based education.  Sometimes I feel like I am a mad scientist toiling in my lab, mixing up various chemicals to form the ultimate glaze and then “throwing the switch” to see what “life form” (crystals) will emerge from my kiln.  Crystalline glazes can be a time-consuming endeavor so to balance out the more intricate and meticulous nature of crystalline glaze work, I also decorate pots using the Sgraffito (to scratch) method to create whimsical images for my “Art for the Table” utilitarian daily ware.  My food-safe wares are high-fired making them durable enough to be placed in the dishwasher, microwave and oven.

Ha Austin


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